Strings Attached by Judy Blundell

Strings Attached was a really good book about a girl named Kit Corrigan who goes to New York City.  Kit is a seventeen year old high school dropout who wants to be a professional dancer.  What’s great about this novel is that it jumps back and forth from the present to the past in the providence.  When going to New York City, I don’t think Kit knew what she was getting herself into; all the secrets and lies, but to know what I’m talking about you have to read the book.
My favorite character in the book had to be Kit even though she was faced with making choices.  She tried her best to stick it out.  I think my favorite part was the ending – how everything was coming together and how the hidden secrets came out.  I would rate this book 5 stars because it kept me interested and that’s what I like.  I would also recommend this book to all my friends and hopefully they would enjoy this book as much as I did.

Submitted by Stephanie

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