Beastkeeper by by Cat Hellisen
The following fairy tale revolves around the mystical life of a girl named Sarah and her family. In the beginning, teenager Sarah wished to acquire magic. Sarah and her family were always migrating to different locations to avoid the “cold”, or magic. Sarah eventually became a teen without a mom, when her mother abandoned her…
Jackaby by William Ritter
My review of this book : great! The reason is because mystery is one of my favorite genres. This book, Jackaby, is about a girl named Abigail Rook. She comes to New Fiddleham, England in 1892. She needs a job and accidentally meets an investigator/detective named R. F. Jackaby. Jackaby has a superpower which lets…
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
In the book The Name of the Star, my favorite character is Alistar. I like Alistar because he is like me, he listens to bands like The Smiths, The Cure, and Clash, and he is always reading in the library on the floor! The only difference is that he dressed like a person in the…
And We Stay by Jenny Hubbard
Hubbard whisks together a tale of mystery and suspense with the main character (a poet named Emily Beam) discovering her true self. She is an unusual character, my favorite as well. The scene in which she strings together the poems is captivating due to the way she organizes them. Not to mention that it was…
Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld
This book is basically two amazing stories put into one amazing book. Scott Westerfeld’s new book is about Darcy Patel. Darcy Patel puts a hold on college and everything else to publish her new teen novel. Having to move to New York with no friends or family, and no Oapartment yet, Darcy wonders if she…
Blythewood by Carol Goodman
As a fan of romance, mystery, and suspense, I can say Goodman hit all the points and more in her book. The writing is fantastic, and the way Avaline Hall (the character) is made truly allows a reader to connect to her. At age seventeen she has dealt with more than a girl her…
The Ghost of Graylock by Dan Poblocki
The book The Ghost of Graylock is all adventure. It’s about a kid that needs to know about the abandoned hospital. His sister disagrees, so he goes with a friend he made. They were not supposed to do anything but sit and wait for their grandma. The only person who disobeyed or didn’t listen was…
Team Human by Justine Larbalestier
Team Humanis a good book for anyone. It starts off a little slow and boring, however, after about the first 100 pages it becomes interesting. The book is about a town called New Whitby which is also know as the “vampire city.” The vampires usually stay on their side of town while the humans stay…
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