Looking for a Good Book?
Check out these sites for some fun reads! **Don’t forget to also check out the posts for our Staff-Picked Booklists and Fountas & Pinnell Level Guides.**
Check out these sites for some fun reads! **Don’t forget to also check out the posts for our Staff-Picked Booklists and Fountas & Pinnell Level Guides.**
Below are links to Fountas & Pinnell leveled books that the library owns. For additional help, please see a Children’s Librarian.
If you love to read (and who doesn’t??) then we have a great place for you! Visit our newest blog, Pageturners, for reading suggestions, book lists, and book discussion updates. Once you’re there, let us know what you think – you can leave comments or suggestions and we’ll get back to you. See you there!
Get great reading suggestions by email – sign up for Nextreads and have featured titles delivered right to your mailbox! Pick from mysteries, travel, business and finance, fiction and lots more. There’s even lists for teens, tweens and kids! Just click on the image!
Hey kids! Here’s a great site for books that you can read online right from your computer! Tumblebooks lets you read animated books, graphic novels and more – there’s puzzles and games, foreign language books and Tumble TV!
November - April
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